AST-Hero is a video game created by Twisted BrainZ and Shaman77. The collaboration began in 2019 during the "8th Game Jam Francophone," where the game won the competition. At Twisted BrainZ, I was responsible for creating the graphic assets. The jam lasted one week, and due to the excellent results, the team decided to spend a few more months polishing and refining the project.

For the project, we used mainly 2D sprites that I drew in Photoshop. I took inspiration with 80s comic books, particularly Moebius's artwork.
As "Asteroids" was released during this era, I found  interesting to combine our modern version with the old school drawing style that still resonates with people today. To capture the space opera genre, I also looked at spaceships from shoot'em'up games and old sprites from Metroid games.
With only ships and "hard surface" assets, we decided for very simple animations to ease our process. There are 2 or 3 sprites by asset.

Le monde d'Edena - Moebius
Le monde d'Edena - Moebius
Metroid Fusion - Nintendo
Metroid Fusion - Nintendo
AST-Hero was selected in the SwissGames Showcase 2021 and participated to many international fairs.
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